Thursday, September 9, 2021

Q9. Is there a magic guild my MU belongs to or that I can join in order to get more spells?

Fortune is much too small to host any such guild. Your best bet is to venture into the city ruins and seek out Damon Rhiales, the necromancer. He may be willing to teach you new spells in exchange for money or favors.

In Wyndhaven, there are a number of independent spellcasters who might be swayed to share spells in exchange for money. There is also the secretive mage guild known as the Inverted Pyramid. Tracking them down and convincing them to let you join is sometimes a life-long endeavor but many of the most powerful wizards in the city are rumored to belong, with the notable exception of the Iron Mage.

Of course, the Academy of the Arcane Order in Magic City Vane is the number one location to find and learn spells. Their libraries are extensive and their faculty regularly invent new spells or variations of existing spells. One simply needs to fly up to the floating city, gain entrance through the magically secured gate, and somehow convince them to allow you access. Easy peasy.

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